Changing the Future of Training

Business training from a whole new perspective

Training is boring. It feels like it takes forever to get through, is a waste of both time and money, and more importantly, all of the information relayed during a company’s PowerPoint seems to be forgotten in the moment of crisis. Does this predicament sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone. In fact, a lot of companies are faced with training challenges today and your business may be experiencing this same issue. Luckily there is a solution and it’s called “Immersive VR Learning”

The shift from classic training techniques to immersive learning is long overdue. In this past year alone, 41% of training hours were delivered by the traditional ‘stand-and-deliver’ instructor in a classroom setting. While one of the more classic methods of training, this problematic style just isn’t engaging or memorable enough for most employees.

And yet, even knowing that the average adult’s attention span lasts only for about 7-10 minutes, 87% of corporate learning is still done in a classroom (…which you can bet includes a boring and overloaded-with-text slideshow presentation).

Ultimately, the need for a new learning strategy is best explained by German psychologist Herman Ebbingaus in his 1880s “Forgetting Curve” hypothesis. The concept of his hypothesis is that within a mere 60 minutes, individuals will forget an average of 50% of whatever new information has been presented, within a full 24 hours, 70% of it will be forgotten, and over the span of 1 month, an entire 90% of the information that was supposed to be retained will be erased from their memories. With this problem at hand, the best way to prevent training failure and train your employees with information that is proven to stick, Immersive VR Training is the way to go.

German psychologist Herman Ebbingaus in his “Forgetting Curve” hypothesis

At its core, this learning opportunity is a clear and better use of company time and money, making up for the average costs of $814 you would be otherwise be paying per learner. But, this aside, Immersive Learning increases the efficiency of trainings and optimizes how the brain learns by emphasizing two crucial aspects – heightened interactivity and engagement.

Why VR Training works…

  • It forces people to find themselves in situations that they might not ever normally face in real life by using a hands-on natural learning method.
  • This simulated and controlled learning environment makes for a safe learning space, allowing employees to experiment with various equipment and scenarios first hand without the risk of repercussions.
  • This allows for a supportive environment conducive to learning as employees are able to commit errors and try again.
  • The individual is more likely to remember and retain the info they process from the scenario, as it feels like an experience they’ve already been through and learned (“first-hand”) in the past.

In short, Immersive VR Training meets all of the requirements needed for optimized retention, as well as the highest priorities for training in terms of allocating resources according to the latest training industry report. These priorities include increasing effectiveness of training programs (33%), followed by reducing costs/improving efficiency (17%), and increasing learning usage of training programs (13%).

If you’re interested in jumping on the bandwagon in order to save time, money, resources and your employees from potentially getting hurt (as a result of poor and outdated training that ultimately left them feeling unprepared), contact us to hear more about our experience or learn we could do for you and your business today.

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