This year the UK government has launched a wonderful campaign, focusing on producing the countries new generation of engineers. The UK currently has a huge skills shortage across engineering as a whole, spanning construction, rail, manufacturing and many other sectors. For example, the Rail industry has an average age of 54 years amongst their engineering workforce, so in 5-10 years will be presented with a serious problem. The UK-wide campaign is a response to a shortfall of 20,000 engineering graduates every year.
The 2018 campaign aims at kick-starting a change in both young people and parent’s mind-sets, bringing them face-to-face with engineering experiences and looking at engineering innovation across numerous companies. The Year of Engineering can kick-start our export industries, in a time of uncertainty with Brexit, and encourage growth to build a brighter future. Engineering has long been seen as muddy boots in a wet-and-windy field, but this is far from the truth. Twenty-first century engineering is all about high-tech equipment, computer aided design and innovative technology such as, Virtual & Augmented Reality.
The target market for this huge push, attracting nearly 1.2million people in engineering before 2024, are ‘Millennials’ (born 1985-2004) and ‘Generation Z’ (born 2005-2014). Millennials alone will make up 75% of the UK’s workforce by 2025 so to ensure all engineering companies showcase their organisations to the best of their ability, the most important factor will be using communication methods they understand!
All Millennials and Generation Z children have been brought up with a smartphone attached to their hand and certainly don’t read long-winded text documents about job roles! The vital methods of communications must be visual (film or animation) and use new immersive technology (virtual and augmented reality). Also, the future of teaching and training at engineering schools around the country will be interactive and immersive, using amazing mixed reality applications. No more text books.
If you don’t speak their language and don’t use channels they understand, you’ll lose their interest immediately.
Myriad Global Media is already helping our clients open their doors, expose their project expertise and document the amazing environments available, in which new employees can thrive. Creating training tools that immerse new recruits into any environment around the world from the comfort of the classroom. Take them there and they will follow.
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