Our Insights

Writing worth reading.

Energy Institute Awards

Energy Institute Awards 9 November, Sheraton Grand Hotel, Park Lane, London – https://www.energyinst.org/events/ei-awards The Energy Institute Awards event is an important fixture in the industry’s social calendar, which brings together high-profile,

CEB Gartner – Internal Communications Conference

CEB Gartner Internal Communications Summit The CEB Gartner, Internal Communications Conference was a fantastic two days, that had presentations from senior internal communications experts. Explaining numerous very successful ideas across

Mozambique Gas Summit 2017

Mozambique Gas Summit, 18-20 Oct 2017 Joaquim Chissano International Conference Centre, Maputo, Mozambique The Mozambique Gas Summit & Exhibition, which took place on 18-20 October in Maputo, with the official

A Growing British Safety Presence

by Lisa Phillipps, Commercial Manager at Myriad Global Media The UK has developed a growing British Safety Presence around the globe and we are creating new industry standards. Pushing the

Safety, Health & Environment Expo

Safety, Health & Environment Expo, ExCeL Centre, London This was a wonderful few days at the S.H.E Expo, integrating with companies from all over the UK. It was extremely well organised,

Working Together To Address Workplace Safety Challenges

Last week Myriad Global Media hosted a workshop in Abu Dhabi dedicated to exploring challenges in workplace safety behaviours. Myriad is a specialist HSE communications provider that has decades of experience